The mine of Montevecchio |
Costa Verde is on the south-western coast of Sardinia, in the territory of Arbus, which is a
village that shares with Guspini some of the most interesting mining areas in Europe. From these
mines, with Monteponi and Buggerru, came 10% of the worlds production of lead and zinc. For
this reason Grand Tours are organized (which are becoming more and more popular) in order to admire
the remains of a civilization, the mine civilization, which seems bound to disappear forever.
Montevecchio, Ingurtosu, Funtanazza, Piscinas, Naracauli, Scivu and Pistis are the stages of a tour
that every year enchants thousands of visitors from various countries in Europe who are searching for
an experience that it is hard to find elsewhere.
In Costa Verde nature offers some sensations that are hard to forget. There is Scivu, a long
deserted beach with neither houses nor hotels, which has been preserved thanks to the presence of a
nearby prison.

Piscinas |